A Doc's Life is a underground Medical Blog about some poor Singapore doctors. They are sibei sian and very buay song. Best practices not observed!
(Warning: Grammar is non existent in this blog. Those obsessively compulsive about good English please go no further and book an appointment to see your psychiatrist in Singapore.)

Wednesday, October 09, 2013

Toilet Games Part 1

From "http://blogs.telegraph.co.uk/news/donatahuggins/100166145/owen-jones-the-new-dave-spart-fearlessly-champions-the-right-to-proper-toilet-breaks/"
Dr Og often feels that one of my duty as a doctor is to dissuade others from joining this terrible profession. If you read my past posts, you would have realised that most of them are horror stories meant to give young impressionable pre-university (I don't dare say JC or not wait say I elitist) youths nightmares on the very mention of medical school. So here goes another one...

As a medical student, it became very apparent quite quickly that to be a good doctor, you have to be quite in control of your feelings. There can be emotional feelings and there can be physical feelings. Even as medical students, we became desensitised to emotions rapidly and soon acted like numb and unfeeling robots. It serves its purpose well when you have to tend to emergencies like resuscitation. You would rather be remembering resus algorithm and dripping sweat than to be all emo and shedding tears. After all, its enough that the nurses are already running around in panic like headless chickens. They are allowed to but as a doctor you ARE NOT. Period.

Whilst Dr Og never had much difficulty controlling my tears (as men we sooner shed blood of the non menstrual kind), I cannot say the same about controlling other orifices where fluids may overflow. Yes, this sounds gross but my blog has never been meant for the weak hearted and you chose to read this, did you not.....

Physical sensations are sometimes almost impossible to control. One day, I was sitting in an orthopaedic clinic as a 4th year medical student and the clinic ran from 9am to 1:45pm. During this time, the kopi-O-gow I had earlier was working its diuretic wonders. But those were the days when you guai guai sit in the clinic room to wait for the doctor you were tagging to come and left the room only after they left first. Going anywhere during the clinic session will earn you cold hard stares from the doctor and nurse and so going to Pang Jio (urinate) was never an option!

At the end of the clinic, the surgeon had obviously noticed my urgency from the frequent crossing of legs to aid my urethral sphincter. He patted my back and said, "You know, to be a good doctor you have to be able to hold your urine and tahan hunger! You will be ok next time. Come let me buy you a sandwich for lunch then we start afternoon clinic in ten minutes"

But..... er, Sir... Can I go for a toilet break first.


  1. Anonymous10:14 AM

    But actually PJ take how long oni? When my specialist doc near end of morning session complain n say he hasn't PJ since started, I tell him he better quick quick go PJ first. I rather wait or else, wait he can't tahan or anyhow rush thru...

  2. Aiyah. We come from the shy generation mah. Don't dare to talk in class or put hands up. Read my next toilet article ok?
