A Doc's Life is a underground Medical Blog about some poor Singapore doctors. They are sibei sian and very buay song. Best practices not observed!
(Warning: Grammar is non existent in this blog. Those obsessively compulsive about good English please go no further and book an appointment to see your psychiatrist in Singapore.)

Saturday, July 30, 2005

The Question

Having entered medical school, one of the most irritating question that can be asked of you is "Why do you want to be a doctor?"

You see, while the same question can be posed to other professionals, you would just laugh your head off if a law student told you he did so to uphold justice. Ha ha ha, who would believe him..... upholding justice, that's for Superman.

But seriously, for any medical student or doctors to be, this is a highly sensitive issue alright? We've gotta uphold our professional image!! Anyway, try telling any of your relatives that you're doing medicine because of the prestige, the money (which there isn't any, you're mistaken) and so that you can impress girls. You prolly will end up with a good spanking in the ass.

So most of the time, we have rehearsed answers of which we regurgitate everytime the question pops up during family gatherings and especially during Chinese New Year.

Irritating Relative (with the smallest Ang Bao): "Aiyoh Boy boy, I heard you got into med-cine, so clever.... (changes topic abruptly to catch you off guard) But Why you wan be Dr ar??"

Boy boy: " to built a democratic society, base on justice and equality, so as to achieve happiness prosperity and progress for our nation"
Oops thats the Singapore pledge but you get the point, prepare something, just don't get caught off guard.

Of course sometimes over a cup of coffee in the doctor's lounge, we lament over our poor choice of career. Reasons to join the profession are many and varied. Some really feel that it is their calling (more like culling) and destiny. Some come from generations of doctors and cannot imagine doing anything else. But most of us have reasons best put forth by a respectable senior of mine:

" You know.... I really shouldn't have watched so many of those Japanese adult movies"


  1. hahaha, this really brings back memories of that dumb-ass last-minute-then-notify-me-while-i'm-having-FIBUA-at-Tuas interview in my stinking no. 4 and mud-caked boots...

  2. u mean there was a chiobu nurse there at that time?

  3. Anonymous3:28 PM

    If laughter is the best medicine, how then can I fall sick with my daily dose of your blog?!?

  4. WALAN WUEY! Watch porn also can become loctor?
