A Doc's Life is a underground Medical Blog about some poor Singapore doctors. They are sibei sian and very buay song. Best practices not observed!
(Warning: Grammar is non existent in this blog. Those obsessively compulsive about good English please go no further and book an appointment to see your psychiatrist in Singapore.)

Monday, August 22, 2005

Today In the Pantry: The Doctor's Wife

I had a chat with the friend who borrowed Johnny. He was having just a little problem with his wife.....

Friend: you know ar, my wife complain be doctor's wife very cham!
Og: Why ar?
Friend: That day she bah toh tia (tummy ache), wanted to take MC. I say she chow keng. She say we doctors got no sympathy for their own wives.
Og: Aiyah, all the char bor all like that want lah, my wife also everytime tao tia (headache), take MC. Tell her nothing wrong somemore say I not concern about her!
Friend: The thing is my wife say trust is very important thing in marriage and I should really believe she bah toh tia......
Og: Thats also correct mah, maybe she tua lao sai (big diarrhoea) or something
Friend: No lah no symptoms, I examined her, abdo soft non tender, bowel sound positive.
Og: Aiyah, you surgical trainee, you should know mah, most abdo pain non specific.... mebbe really pain leh?
Friend: Like that the GP sibei solid, cure her so fast because the pain went away immediately....... right after she got the MC.

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  1. Anonymous11:06 PM

    hey, it takes lots of effort to go through all that just to get that MC k! ;)

  2. yup, be sensitive, be sensitive!

  3. Anonymous2:20 PM

    you are married!? boo hoo hoo

  4. Anonymous3:53 PM

    hey. i think it is sometimes more productive to take MC rather than feeling unwell and going to work.

    sometimes, your illness may just be headache or gastric discomfort, but it is really difficult to concentrate on work even more so if your work requires much thinking.

    unless one is using one's subconsicousness to work,
